Import Execution Result in RQM
21 answers
what was the URL you used?
What was the XML you tried to post?
<ns2:executionresult xmlns:ns2="" xmlns="" xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns11="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:ns9="">
<identifier xmlns=""></identifier>
<title xmlns="">SW1.1.2 - Msg. A63 di cancellazione corretto - ITB ( 2 )</title>
<ns8:machine>Local Computer</ns8:machine>
<ns8:stepResult endTime="2011-01-13T01:00:00.978Z" ns3:id="_zr0fwVzTEd-6SILIyD0QAQ" result="" startTime="2010-05-11T08:04:22.302Z">
<div:div xmlns:div="" xmlns=""> </div:div>
<div:div xmlns:div="" xmlns=""> </div:div>
<ns2:testcase href=""/>
<ns2:testplan href=""/>
<ns2:executionworkitem href=""/>
What was the full error returned from the command?
The error is "RQMUrlUtility: Server Response code: 400" and nothing else.
Thank you in advance for any suggests.
The URL for the executionworkitem element doesn't look correct. You shouldn't have a "" prefix followed by a GUID. If that executionworkitem is something you created in a previous post, the the URL would look more like this:
Be sure you can do a get on that URL.
Be sure you can do a get on that URL.
Hi All,
I have also same problem of importing execution result.
please provide a sample xml template for import execution result. And
what is the executionworkitem when we are importing the execution result for new execution.please help me out in this.
Hi Jyothi,
executionworkitem is actually Testcase Execution Record (TER).
Every Execution result should belong to one TER. Therefore when creating a new Testcase Execution Result, you need to provide link to corresponding TER. I hope it helps.
You can find schema of executionresult at https://<yourserver>:9443/<qm>/service/
Hi All,
I have also same problem of importing execution result.
please provide a sample xml template for import execution result. And
what is the executionworkitem when we are importing the execution result for new execution.please help me out in this.
Hi Jyothi,
executionworkitem is actually Testcase Execution Record (TER).
Every Execution result should belong to one TER. Therefore when creating a new Testcase Execution Result, you need to provide link to corresponding TER. I hope it helps.
You can find schema of executionresult at https://<yourserver>:9443/<qm>/service/
Sorry the link would be
Thank you Pramod
now i got the logic thank you so much :lol:
Hi Jyothi,
executionworkitem is actually Testcase Execution Record (TER).
Every Execution result should belong to one TER. Therefore when creating a new Testcase Execution Result, you need to provide link to corresponding TER. I hope it helps.
You can find schema of executionresult at https://<yourserver>:9443/<qm>/service/
Sorry the link would be
now i got the logic thank you so much :lol:
Hi All,
I have also same problem of importing execution result.
please provide a sample xml template for import execution result. And
what is the executionworkitem when we are importing the execution result for new execution.please help me out in this.
Hi Jyothi,
executionworkitem is actually Testcase Execution Record (TER).
Every Execution result should belong to one TER. Therefore when creating a new Testcase Execution Result, you need to provide link to corresponding TER. I hope it helps.
You can find schema of executionresult at https://<yourserver>:9443/<qm>/service/
Sorry the link would be
Hi All,
when i am trying to import the TestScript it's throwing 500 error. Please check that xml code.
Is any mistake in the xml file.
<description>test script under test case A of test suite 1</description>
<name>open finance application in browser</name>
<title>open finance application in browser</title>
open finance application in browser
app should open
when i am trying to import the TestScript it's throwing 500 error. Please check that xml code.
Is any mistake in the xml file.
<description>test script under test case A of test suite 1</description>
<name>open finance application in browser</name>
<title>open finance application in browser</title>
open finance application in browser
app should open
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