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CQ Import Wizard and CQ REFRENCE_LIST fields

Thomas Loeber (62237950) | asked Jan 14 '11, 10:58 a.m.
I'm trying to use the CQ Import Wizard on CQ records, such as defects, which have fields defined in the schema as REFERENCE_LIST. This is problematic in that any query which selects these fields as a display field can generate multiple instances of the same defect in the result set. Obviously this causes the importer to generate multiple RTC work items which isn't our desired result.
Has anyone worked around this issue or can provide some suggestions on how to import CQ records which have fields defined as lists so as to generate a single RTC work item which attribute fields which will contain these listed values? What would you even map these reference_list fields to in the RTC process template?

2 answers

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Thomas Loeber (62237950) | answered Jan 18 '11, 9:31 a.m.
Any takers on this topic? Has anyone tried the CQ Import Wizard and run into this scenario?

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Sean G Wilbur (87222421) | answered Jan 18 '11, 12:29 p.m.

I had to do some intermediate scripting work to generate a consumable import, but there may be other methods.

There is no notion of a reference list either as you have already figured out, if you are going to bring this across it could be captured using the standard RTC link types so using something like related or parent/child to meet your needs.


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