RRC AND RRC 3.0 beta integration with EGL
Hello there
Myself and the company I work with are currently evaluating RRC2.0.0.3 and the latest beta version 3.0 (M9).
Also in the development department we recently implemented the full version of IBM Rational Developer for Power Systems Software/(EGL).
Obviously they are both in the Rational package, is there any way to incorporate the 2 software, i.e. RRC is able to plug into (EGL). Or is there anyway to use these to Rational software together. Is a intermediary software needed?
Myself and the company I work with are currently evaluating RRC2.0.0.3 and the latest beta version 3.0 (M9).
Also in the development department we recently implemented the full version of IBM Rational Developer for Power Systems Software/(EGL).
Obviously they are both in the Rational package, is there any way to incorporate the 2 software, i.e. RRC is able to plug into (EGL). Or is there anyway to use these to Rational software together. Is a intermediary software needed?