scm diff on a snapshot
Using scm.exe compare, I can retrieve the changes between the current contents of a repository workspace, and a snapshot created earlier.
This way I receive the changed files.
To analyze the changes in the file, I can use scm.exe diff
However, scm.exe diff doesn't accept 'snapshot' as a selection type... Are there any other diff - possibilities available?
This way I receive the changed files.
To analyze the changes in the file, I can use scm.exe diff
However, scm.exe diff doesn't accept 'snapshot' as a selection type... Are there any other diff - possibilities available?
One answer
I have opened workitem 148637 to take in snapshot as a selector for the diff command.
The workaround for this would be to create a workspace out of a snapshot and then run the diff. Another way would be to create a baseline on the workspace whenever you create a snapshot and then run the diff of the file against that baseline.
The workaround for this would be to create a workspace out of a snapshot and then run the diff. Another way would be to create a baseline on the workspace whenever you create a snapshot and then run the diff of the file against that baseline.
Using scm.exe compare, I can retrieve the changes between the current contents of a repository workspace, and a snapshot created earlier.
This way I receive the changed files.
To analyze the changes in the file, I can use scm.exe diff
However, scm.exe diff doesn't accept 'snapshot' as a selection type... Are there any other diff - possibilities available?