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How to fix SSL issue when configuring email services?

ABBEY christelle (1313) | asked Jun 12 '17, 4:48 a.m.


I'm using CLM applications of Jazz Team Server and I try to configure email services. 
I've followed the steps gave on IBM website but when I try to send a test email I get the following error : 
"Unable to convert connection to SSL ( unable to find valid certification path to requested target)"

I'm using CLM app, version 6.0.4 and my email service is Outlook 2010 for Enterprise.

Did someone know how to fix this?

Thank for answer.


Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 12 '17, 10:04 p.m.

It appears that you have elected to use STARTTLS but it fails to connect to the SMTP server. Have you verified that the email service is STARTTLS enabled? You can try with a few options mentioned in the post below - the openssl method is simple if you already have a Linux machine.

BTW, there seems to be some confusion about the email service. If the vendor is Microsoft, the mail server is usually called Exchange. Outlook is the client, Make sure you have not mixed up the two.

ABBEY christelle selected this answer as the correct answer

ABBEY christelle commented Jun 13 '17, 4:45 a.m.

  Hi Donald, 

Thank you for your answer.

In fact, I was using STARTTLS for an email service where it is disabled. I have change it to "FALSE" and resarted the server and it works now.
And you are right, my mistake, I mean Exchange for the mail server, I have mixed up to two when I wrote the message.

Thank you for support

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