Unable to type in Description or Expected Results fields
In RQM 2.0.1 iFix 5, sometimes when I add a step to a test script, and attempt to type in the Description column or Expected Results column, RQM will not let me start typing in the newly added steps. The Description and Expected Results columns are basically grayed out and the app will not let me type in these columns. I have tried saving the test script and then going back into it and typing once again. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. Very frustrating when I can't get my work done due to the app behaving strangely. Has anyone else experienced this and what did you do in order to make the app let you type in these fields? Thanks
2 answers
which version and edition of browser are you using? I personally prefer to use Firefox when working with RQM, cause as I know there are some known issues with some version of IE browser. Try latest Firefox if you are not using it.
Sorry about that. I am using Firefox 3.6.12. We were never told which browser to use (thanks for the guidance, IBM) but through trial and error, we found that IE is like cold molasses on a sub-freezing day and Firefox seems to work much better.