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RTC 3.0 Datawarehouse and Enterprise Database

joe Clark (56118) | asked Nov 30 '10, 11:51 a.m.
What are the recommendations for using an enterprise database with the RTC 3.0 datawarehouse?

It appears as if Derby is the default database for use with the DW, and there do not appear to be any repotools or /setup commands that configure the DW tables for use with an enterprise database.

3 answers

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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Nov 30 '10, 2:21 p.m.
What are the recommendations for using an enterprise database with the RTC 3.0 datawarehouse?

It appears as if Derby is the default database for use with the DW, and there do not appear to be any repotools or /setup commands that configure the DW tables for use with an enterprise database.

Hi Joe,

For RTC 3.0, the data warehouse functions the same way as it did in RTC 2.0: that is, it's part of the same database as the repository store, and doesn't require any separate or explicit setup. If you move your repository to DB2, for example, the data warehouse goes with it.

In CLM Beta 2, however, we've introduced a new, shared data warehouse that is separately configurable from the repository database(s), and does indeed require separate setup and configuration. There's a separate "Configure Data Warehoue" step in the server setup wizard to help you do this, and a repotools command as well.

It sounds like you're asking about RTC 3.0 - can you confirm that's the case?

RTC Reports Team Lead

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joe Clark (56118) | answered Nov 30 '10, 3:37 p.m.
Yes, RTC 3.0. Thanks. We had seen information in the Release Candidate InfoCenters recommending creation of a separate database for the DW, but I see that information has been removed from the InfoCenters for 3.0 GA. Thanks for the reply.

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mike brosnan (1011213) | answered May 12 '11, 10:26 a.m.
I'm installing RTC 3.0.1 RC2 and configuring via the /jts/setup steps.

On the Datawarehouse setup page, I want to use the existing Oracle databases, you mention

"it's part of the same database as the repository store, and doesn't require any separate or explicit setup"

Does this mean that and

should be identical?

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