Error creating Database stored enumeration
Accepted answer
Hi, unfortunately, as far as I know process sharing is based on the process XML today. There is a disconnect with DB backed enumerations. There are several work items around this and as far as I can tell, this is not yet addressed.
Here a work item requesting what you try:
I don't think you can use this approach today. I would recommend to either vote up the above request or create a new one.
What is currently working ( and I have not tested this with enumerations or otherwise at all) is described here:
Here a work item requesting what you try:
I don't think you can use this approach today. I would recommend to either vote up the above request or create a new one.
What is currently working ( and I have not tested this with enumerations or otherwise at all) is described here:
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 19 '15, 5:31 a.m.If you don't provide more information about the environment (versions) the error (e.g. click that link or look into the client/server logs), I don't see how we can help.
If you use process sharing, you can't use DB backed enumerations.
If you want to change DB backed enumerations, you require a role that has sufficient permissions, although I would have expected a different error.
1 vote
Simo Suurla
Feb 19 '15, 5:53 a.m.Hi, thank you. Yes we use process sharing. And we are looking for functionality to use customized enumerations on project areas using shared process. Because now If we change one enumerations content it will disconnect all enumerations from process. Would like to customize only one enumeration list. And keep all other lists sync with shared process.