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Build finished with warnings.

Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | asked Nov 24 '10, 9:23 a.m.
Hi, I am using RTC iFix5
I have a build script based in ANT that executes without problems. In
fact, at the end, it shows BUILD SUCCESSFUL.
But, it is shown as complete with warnings (yellow triangle) instead the
green mark.

Why? Where should I find the warning? The log doesn't show any warning.

BTW, it seems the "problematic" task is <execute> for an external
command which shows some traces. But it completes successfully. If I
remove it, there are no warnings.

This is the ANT task:


Any hint?

Thanks in advance,


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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Nov 24 '10, 10:23 a.m.
On 11/24/2010 3:13 PM, Chemi wrote:
Hi, I am using RTC iFix5
I have a build script based in ANT that executes without problems. In
fact, at the end, it shows BUILD SUCCESSFUL.
But, it is shown as complete with warnings (yellow triangle) instead the
green mark.

Why? Where should I find the warning? The log doesn't show any warning.

BTW, it seems the "problematic" task is <execute> for an external
command which shows some traces. But it completes successfully. If I
remove it, there are no warnings.

This is the ANT task:

exec executable="${was.profile}/bin/wsadmin.bat" spawn="false"
arg line="-f ../../EmpleadoBuild/build/ -lang jython
-conntype SOAP -host win2003serv -port 8880 -user admin -password admin

Any hint?

Thanks in advance,


Forget it, the problem was a typo in a activity Id in a complete
activity task. :-(

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