Importing PHP SDK?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone can help me out as I am novice when it comes to Java and RTC.
I'm working on a project for school and I require the Dipity. I was wondering how do I import each of these into my project?
They provide a download for a PHP SDK. Any help appreciated, thanks!
I'm working on a project for school and I require the Dipity. I was wondering how do I import each of these into my project?
They provide a download for a PHP SDK. Any help appreciated, thanks!
5 answers
Hi Joey,
Perhaps I don't understand what you're asking but are you trying to import an existing project/folder into RTC? What you can do is if its already an Eclipse project go to File -> Import -> Existing Projects or otherwise create a new project and import the folders into it. Then to get it into RTC you can right-click on the Project and Choose Team -> Share Project and choose Jazz.
Or did I misunderstand the question?
Perhaps I don't understand what you're asking but are you trying to import an existing project/folder into RTC? What you can do is if its already an Eclipse project go to File -> Import -> Existing Projects or otherwise create a new project and import the folders into it. Then to get it into RTC you can right-click on the Project and Choose Team -> Share Project and choose Jazz.
Or did I misunderstand the question?
I looked at the Dipity developer page and looked at their php sdk and it appeared to be just 1 file, you can just add that file to your java project thats already in RTC. I'm unfamiliar with PHP development but then anytime someone loads that java project, they have a copy of the SDK so any references they're making to it will work.
Jazz source control doesn't care what type of file it is, it just keeps it as a file under version control, just like a text file, for instance. If you need to read the file I would just copy the file right into your project, you can unzip the sdk and just drag and drop the file in, then refer to it in your own php using relative paths (I'm of course making some assumptions on how php works, I don't actually know, however there is no problem as far as RTC is concerned in bringing any sort of file you want into version control, just add it to a shared project)