BF2011 M6 - Jobs Running/Completed UI
I discovered a subtle difference, intended or not is unknown, in the step result when using inline libraries.
Under v7.0.2 when a step called an inline library the calling step result would be pass, or warn, in order for the library to begin execution.
Now it seems, that the fail state is percolating up to the calling step, in this example Step 2 exited with a RESULT=0 but is shown as FAILED after the job completes:
Is this an intended change and intentional?
Under v7.0.2 when a step called an inline library the calling step result would be pass, or warn, in order for the library to begin execution.
Now it seems, that the fail state is percolating up to the calling step, in this example Step 2 exited with a RESULT=0 but is shown as FAILED after the job completes:
Step Step Name Result Server
1 Initialize Pooling [CM] PASSED cmcommon3070
2 Initialize Machine [CM] FAILED cmcommon3070
3 Bootstrap [CM] FAILED cmcommon3070
Is this an intended change and intentional?
One answer
Hello, Steve - this was an intentional change made at the 7.1.x level and
honored in 2011 as well. In the documentation, you can find it noted
(somewhat subtly) under 'Working with projects' -> 'Setting up notification'
-> 'Notification for inlined projects', on the third bullet (in my version) :
...if I recall correctly, the motivation behind this was to provide a clear
guide in the form of a bread-crumb-like trail to the actual failure, rather
than 'hiding' a step failureN levels deep, potentially forcing users
to hunt for the actual failure.
I can see a case being made for a new status of 'Inline failure/warn' or
a new 'inline status' column or some-such for absolute clarity, but the
existing function is intentional.
honored in 2011 as well. In the documentation, you can find it noted
(somewhat subtly) under 'Working with projects' -> 'Setting up notification'
-> 'Notification for inlined projects', on the third bullet (in my version) :
The inlined steps contribute to determining whether the calling project succeeds or fails. A
failure in an inlined step, for example, either causes the calling project to fail or, if the step is
set to Continue On Failure, changes the calling project's state to Passed with Warnings.
...if I recall correctly, the motivation behind this was to provide a clear
guide in the form of a bread-crumb-like trail to the actual failure, rather
than 'hiding' a step failure
to hunt for the actual failure.
I can see a case being made for a new status of 'Inline failure/warn' or
a new 'inline status' column or some-such for absolute clarity, but the
existing function is intentional.
I discovered a subtle difference, intended or not is unknown, in the step result when using inline libraries.
Under v7.0.2 when a step called an inline library the calling step result would be pass, or warn, in order for the library to begin execution.
Now it seems, that the fail state is percolating up to the calling step, in this example Step 2 exited with a RESULT=0 but is shown as FAILED after the job completes:
Step Step Name Result Server
1 Initialize Pooling [CM] PASSED cmcommon3070
2 Initialize Machine [CM] FAILED cmcommon3070
3 Bootstrap [CM] FAILED cmcommon3070
Is this an intended change and intentional?