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Anyone using BF on z/OS?

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Sep 09 '10, 3:03 p.m.

I am using CC/CQ/BF to replace Endevor on mainframe. I find BF isn't very useful based on the fact that it's on USS and ReXX. The reason is most of companies are COBOL based and all existing build scripts are JCL. I can't find a good way to use BF in this case.

Why we don't have a BF agent on VMS? Same as ClearCase, no money to write such an agent?


2 answers

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Charles Rankin (11) | answered Sep 10 '10, 4:17 p.m.
As you indicate, the Build Forge agent runs in USS, and we have no current plans to change that. However, there is work being done to support execution of JCL via the Build Forge agent. In fact, this support is provided today via Rational Team Concert for System z. We are looking at the best way to make this support available for use in a future release of Build Forge, but, at the moment, I am unable to commit to a specific timeframe.

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Jonas Gryder (11663) | answered Sep 13 '10, 12:29 p.m.
You can put your JCL in a REXX wrapper. Here are some use cases from IBM supplied to us that you may find helpful, including code for various compile scenarios that you can pretty much cut and paste.

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