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RTC Sandbox environment

kathleen koh (612169) | asked Nov 12 '10, 7:41 a.m.
I would like to use the Sandbox that is available for RTC in for evaluation.

However, as the site is slow, I was not able to access the sandbox. At the meantime, can someone share about the version of the RTC used in the sandbox ? Is it RTC v3.0 RCx or RTC v2.0.x.x ? I am looking at evaluating RTC v3.0 RCx

If I would like to evaluate the integration RTC with RRC v2.0.0.3 and RQM v2.0.1, is it available in the sandbox ?

Is there any link in which I can view to understand the specification of the server inside the sandbox as i would like to access whether it is the right environment to use based on list of evaluation criteria.

Thank you.

2 answers

permanent link
Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | answered Jan 16 '11, 9:02 p.m.
The sandbox is still at RTC

Unfortunately, there is no sandbox for the full C/ALM yet. I'd suggest contacting your local sales team to get more help with evaluating all three products at the latest versions.

permanent link
Shilpa Toraskar (IBM) (2294) | answered Feb 01 '11, 4:47 p.m.
RTC 3.0 sandbox is at
RTC sandbox is at
There is no sandbox for full C/ALM yet unfortunately.

I would like to use the Sandbox that is available for RTC in for evaluation.

However, as the site is slow, I was not able to access the sandbox. At the meantime, can someone share about the version of the RTC used in the sandbox ? Is it RTC v3.0 RCx or RTC v2.0.x.x ? I am looking at evaluating RTC v3.0 RCx

If I would like to evaluate the integration RTC with RRC v2.0.0.3 and RQM v2.0.1, is it available in the sandbox ?

Is there any link in which I can view to understand the specification of the server inside the sandbox as i would like to access whether it is the right environment to use based on list of evaluation criteria.

Thank you.

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