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Can we select multiple values in RTC v4.0.3 ???

Swapnil Khandelwal (156) | asked May 08 '14, 7:41 a.m.

I am using RTC v4.0.3

Is it possible to select multiple values from a drop down list??

Also, is it possible to have these multiple selectins in the export ??

2 answers

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered May 08 '14, 7:53 a.m.
if you have an attribute defined as select-list (and not in a database) then yes and yes

Swapnil Khandelwal commented May 13 '14, 2:58 a.m.

by select list, do u mean enumeration list??

and what exactly do u mean by - not in a database??

Swapnil Khandelwal commented May 13 '14, 2:58 a.m.

from the form, i can select multiple values. but when i run a query and export it into excel, i am not able to see these multiple selections. Is there a way to see these multiple selections when we export it into excel?? Also, is there a way to import an excel into RTC with these multiple values for a single field??

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Wendy Murphy (1512633) | answered May 08 '14, 12:52 p.m.
multi selection fields in a work item are created by using the enumeration_list option when creating the field. With 4.0 the enumeration fields are created with two entries enumeration which will provide check box, radio button options. and enumeration_list which will allow you to set up a multi selection field in your work item.

Swapnil Khandelwal commented May 13 '14, 2:57 a.m.

from the form, i can select multiple values. but when i run a query and export it into excel, i am not able to see these multiple selections. Is there a way to see these multiple selections when we export it into excel?? Also, is thereĀ  a way to import an excel into RTC with these multiple values for a single field??

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