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Can't create a plan?

Scott Chapman (3216547) | asked Oct 29 '10, 10:25 a.m.
For some reason when I create a plan I am able to select some iterations but not others; some the OK button is grayed out.

Why are some not selectable?

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 01 '10, 12:42 p.m.
Hi Scott,

I suspect that you can only select iterations of a timeline that the team the plan is owned by is working against. Please chack the Category tab of the process configuration.

Another possible cause would be that the grayed out iterations have not been marked as "A release is scheduled for this iteration". Those iterations can't be used for planning because they are not meant to deliver anything.


For some reason when I create a plan I am able to select some iterations but not others; some the OK button is grayed out.

Why are some not selectable?

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Scott Chapman (3216547) | answered Nov 07 '10, 7:27 a.m.
That was it. Since it allows me to select those, just not hit "OK" it should tell me in the dialog box why that selection is unacceptable.

Just a suggestion...


Hi Scott,

I suspect that you can only select iterations of a timeline that the team the plan is owned by is working against. Please chack the Category tab of the process configuration.

Another possible cause would be that the grayed out iterations have not been marked as "A release is scheduled for this iteration". Those iterations can't be used for planning because they are not meant to deliver anything.


For some reason when I create a plan I am able to select some iterations but not others; some the OK button is grayed out.

Why are some not selectable?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 08 '10, 1:47 a.m.
Hi Scott,

feel free to suggest this and create an enhancement request.



That was it. Since it allows me to select those, just not hit "OK" it should tell me in the dialog box why that selection is unacceptable.

Just a suggestion...


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