RTC 4.0 - Using Parent - Child project areas - how do I get reports for the child project areas?
I see the shared reports in the "Master" project area but those folders are all empty in all the "Child" project areas. The "Child" project areas were created with the unstructured template which probably explains why they are not seed. With this type of setup how do I run reports for specific "Child" project areas?
Accepted answer
the little bit of code to do that in java is
processClient = (IProcessClientService) repo.getClientLibrary(IProcessClientService.class);
URI projuri = URI.create(projectAreaName.replaceAll(" ", "%20"));
IProjectArea iprja = (IProjectArea) processClient.findProcessArea(projuri, null, null);
IReportManager irptMgr = ((IReportManager) repo.getClientLibrary(IReportManager.class));
List<IReportDescriptor> missingreports = irptMgr.fetchMissingSharedReportDescriptors(
(IProcessAreaHandle) iprja.getItemHandle(), null);
System.out.println("there are "+missingreports.size()+" missing report definitions");
for (IReportDescriptor report : missingreports)
System.out.println("adding resport='"+report.getId()+"'");
irptMgr.saveReportDescriptor(report, null);
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("adding report resporce failed for report="+report.getName()+ " exception="+e.getMessage());
2 other answers
in Eclipse, expand the child project, expand reports, on report resources, right click,
| this makes it possible to RUN reports in the child.
select Deploy New Resources, select the project (makes no sense to me) select the reports, push OK
| this makes it possible to RUN reports in the child.
| it does NOT roll up children to parent (we call it Anchor) project
Hi Donald
You have to deploy the Reports from the Master project to the Child project. When Deploying report Eclipse or Web you can chose from what source. Select Master
This will create a linked copy of the Report.
Changes in the Master will be reflected in all Child automatically
Looks easier to me than coding :-)
You have to deploy the Reports from the Master project to the Child project. When Deploying report Eclipse or Web you can chose from what source. Select Master
This will create a linked copy of the Report.
Changes in the Master will be reflected in all Child automatically
Looks easier to me than coding :-)