How to deploy Jazz Web UI extension to the Jazz server?

I'm developing a Jazz Web UI extension component. If I have a Eclipse plug-in project now, say the tutorial example "Hi Jazz Web UI", how can I deploy/integrate it into the Jazz server-side, as in other regular component development?
The tutorial, as well as other wiki pages, only details how to launch and debug it with theJetty server within Eclipse. But it's only of developing and testing use. I want to deploy it officially to the remote server side outside the IDE.
Like other regular component extension, I thoughtJazz server provisioner should be one option, as in I tried provisioning HiJazzWebUI, but it doesn't work. Maybe I'm missing something.
Does anyone have some idea on how to deploy it into the remote server, or direct me to the right literature?
I'm developing a Jazz Web UI extension component. If I have a Eclipse plug-in project now, say the tutorial example "Hi Jazz Web UI", how can I deploy/integrate it into the Jazz server-side, as in other regular component development?
The tutorial, as well as other wiki pages, only details how to launch and debug it with the
Like other regular component extension, I thought
Does anyone have some idea on how to deploy it into the remote server, or direct me to the right literature?
2 answers

In addition there are instructions in the SDK on creating update sites for a Tomcat container (there's jetty instructions there as well but it sounds like you don't want to use jetty).