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Call SSH before building

Raphael Weisser (101195) | asked Oct 18 '10, 4:00 a.m.

we are thinking about using RTC in the future. In our current Build configuration we are using Hudson for building.
Now, I'm arguing to use RTC with JBE and Maven, and not Hudson.
But I have to restart a server via ssh before building.

Is there a possibility to invoke a ssh-script before building?
Or have i to use hudson with RTC ?

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Oct 18 '10, 2:14 p.m.
Hi Martin,

How do you do the restart the server currently using Hudson? Do you do the ssh from the machine running Hudson, as part of the main project configuration?

With JBE, you could do this as one step in the script, whether using Ant, Maven, shell scripts, or some other build script technology. JBE, running on (one of) the build machine(s) would invoke the script, which would then invoke ssh to reboot the target machine. I'm guessing this is for doing some kind of deployment after the build has completed?

If you're coming from an existing Hudson setup, you may be interested in this article, which guides you through integrating between Hudson and JBE, which may also smooth the transition.
Using the Hudson build integration system with Rational Team Concert.

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