what is the equivalent command for loading the workspace with option - Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes View
what is the equivalent command for loading the workspace with option - Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes View
I have a situation where I load files from RTC stream in one folder, but the actual compilation happens in another folder and the changes need to be delivered from second folder to RTC stream. I am not sure how to acheive this, unless I load into another workspace with Do not load anything. The workspace will be tracked by the Pending Changes View. I need equivalent command for this so that I can put the same in the build script. Any help here would be appreciated.
2 answers
Hello Geoff,
Is there any way to do this with CLI? is there any way to check the status of an workspace without loading it? I have around 80000 FIles in my work space and I only want to see the changed in the Admin Workspace for monitor purpose.
Please provide me any any other Idea if you have, I required this for automation purpose.
When you say "check the status", what status did you have in mind? When you say "I only want to see the changed", changed with respect to what? You can use the "scm compare" command to see how a workspace differs from a stream, snapshot, or other workspace. You can use the "scm status" command to see how a workspace differs from what is loaded into a sandbox.
Thanks for the reply, What my total intention is to have a workspace between my production stream and Development Stream's Component. I need this worspace for small time being just to check the Changes between the component w.r.t. Approved work item or not. I need to mail the work item that are not approved. So for this the workspace is temporary that I want just to check the difference. But I think SCM CLI is not having capability to check this without Load.