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How to include new report templates in Process Template?

Tim Mulligan (22633214) | asked Oct 04 '10, 2:14 p.m.
We are looking for instructions or guidance on how to include some of the standard Report Templates (e.g. Burnup, Micro Burnup) into our standard Process Template as to avoid the need to "Deploy New Templates". We know where to add Report Templates (Process Configuration->Project Configuration->Project Area Initialization->Setup Project for Reports->Report Templates->Add). But we are unsure of how to fill-in the various parameters such as Identifier, Folder, Resources.

5 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 04 '10, 2:59 p.m.
Just for interest's sake, why do you want to avoid "Deploy New Templates"?


On 10/4/2010 2:23 PM, timothy.mulligan wrote:
We are looking for instructions or guidance on how to include some of
the standard Report Templates (e.g. Burnup, Micro Burnup)
into our standard Process Template as to avoid the need to
"Deploy New Templates". We know where to add Report
Templates (Process Configuration->Project
Configuration->Project Area Initialization->Setup Project for
Reports->Report Templates->Add). But we are unsure of how to
fill-in the various parameters such as Identifier, Folder,

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Tim Mulligan (22633214) | answered Oct 04 '10, 5:09 p.m.
In order to eliminate a frequently asked question (issue). We'd rather all newly created RTC project areas be initialized with all report templates than explaining how to deploy the missing report templates.

Just for interest's sake, why do you want to avoid "Deploy New Templates"?


On 10/4/2010 2:23 PM, timothy.mulligan wrote:
We are looking for instructions or guidance on how to include some of
the standard Report Templates (e.g. Burnup, Micro Burnup)
into our standard Process Template as to avoid the need to
"Deploy New Templates". We know where to add Report
Templates (Process Configuration->Project
Configuration->Project Area Initialization->Setup Project for
Reports->Report Templates->Add). But we are unsure of how to
fill-in the various parameters such as Identifier, Folder,

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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Oct 07 '10, 3:39 p.m.
On 10/4/2010 2:23 PM, timothy.mulligan wrote:
We are looking for instructions or guidance on how to include some of
the standard Report Templates (e.g. Burnup, Micro Burnup)
into our standard Process Template as to avoid the need to
"Deploy New Templates". We know where to add Report
Templates (Process Configuration->Project
Configuration->Project Area Initialization->Setup Project for
Reports->Report Templates->Add). But we are unsure of how to
fill-in the various parameters such as Identifier, Folder,

Name: a label naming the report template (e.g. "Burndown")

Identifier: an id, unique in this project area, for the report template.
This is used for dashboard drill-in and some other things. We avoid
whitespace in this string. (e.g. "workitems.Burndown")
Description: optional free-form string

Folder: The name of a Report folder. Optional. If this is specified,
then after the report template is created, we will create a report for
that template, with the same name as the template, and store it in the
folder that you specified here. For example, continuing the above
example, if you specify "Work Items" here, then after deploying the
Burndown template, we will create a report named "Burndown", pointing at
the "Burndown" report template, and store it in a shared folder named
"Work Items". The folder will be created if it does not already exist.

Is default report: If you check this, than this report will be the
report that shows up by default if you visit the Reports Web UI but
don't select any report.

Supports data caching: Whether the generated HTML for this report should
be cached for future requestors. For reports containing only data from
the data warehouse, say yes here. We will automatically invalidate the
cache when we run the data warehouse snapshots. For all other reports,
including live data, and those which combine live and warehoused data,
say no.

Use as plan chart: Whether this report should be the one that the agile
planning editor attempts to display on the "Charts" tab. Such a report
must have certain well-known parameters in order to work, including
ProjectAreaName, TeamAreaName, and Interval. That is to say, scm or
build reports won't work here.

Attachment/Plugin/File: We have two ways of getting the content. If
we're talking about a report we ship with RTC out of the box, specify
plugin/file, and we'll read the content directly from our server plugin.
If it's a custom report you've written, use the Attachment field.

Attachment: Specify a process attachment, which you've already created,
that contains the .rptdesign file for this report template.

Plugin/File: Specify a plug-in, on the server, which contains the report
content already, which is the case of our out-of-the-box reports. The
plug-in should be, and the file
should be, for example, "Burndown.rptdesign".

Resources: Our out-of-the-box reports use two files:
shared/, and shared/shared.rptlibrary. These are
included in Attach them
here, and be sure to create them with exactly those names, including the
prepended folder: "shared/" and
"shared/shared.rptlibrary". If you have custom reports that use external
resources, include them here as well.

Hope this helps.

RTC Reports Team Lead

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Morten Madsen (13277) | answered Feb 23 '11, 9:07 a.m.

Name: a label naming the report template (e.g. "Burndown")

<cut> .....

Hope this helps.

RTC Reports Team Lead

I've tried to do all the steps in your guideline, but still, when I create a new project with the process template, I still get no custom report templates and no reports instantiated.

I did the following steps:

1. Added my custom reports to "Attachments"
2. Added reports templates to my project initialization pointing to my attachments.
3. I specified a folder name for each of them, to get reports instantiated on project creation.

When I then create a new project, I do not get any of the custom report templates.

But when I access the new project "process configuration" I can both verify that the attachments are still there and my "project initialization" report template definitions are there.

Can you give me a way, that I can debug this situation?

Thanks a lot,

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Morten Madsen (13277) | answered Feb 25 '11, 6:29 a.m.
Ah, it seems that I've solved it.

When you add attachments with your report files (under "links" in your project / process) you have to include a "/" in front of your attachment path (used internally by RTC).

So an example, I'm adding the file "Blocked Work Items.rptdesign"

(wrong path - my first attempt):
reports/Blocked Work Items.rptdesign

(correct path - my second attempt - WORKS!!)
/reports/Blocked Work Items.rptdesign

Remember, this has nothing to do with where the report file is physically on your hard drive, when you add it as attachment.

Maria Amalan commented Jul 11 '13, 6:13 a.m.

Thanks for this tip. It was really useful to me. 

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