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No predefined process templates in 3.0 M8?

Ernest Crvich (19212119) | asked Sep 15 '10, 2:29 p.m.
I recently installed 3.0 M8 server...using the web installer for the first time since the server is no longer available in plain zip format. Now, instead of the admin URL being /jazz/admin, it appears to be /jts/admin. I went through /jts/setup first and that all went ok (just using Derby for now).

But now in /jts/admin there are no predefined process templates (when clicking the "Deploy" button).

I found several other forum threads on this problem, but none of those solutions did anything...neither /rtc/admin nor /jazz/admin are functioning servlets. Nor is there any locale filter checkbox on the project creation page.

Did I miss something on installation?

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Jared Burns (4.5k29) | answered Sep 16 '10, 1:12 p.m.
On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 18:37:58 +0000, crvich wrote:

I recently installed 3.0 M8 server...using the web installer for the
first time since the server is no longer available in plain zip format.
Now, instead of the admin URL being /jazz/admin, it appears to be
/jts/admin. I went through /jts/setup first and that all went ok (just
using Derby for now).

But now in /jts/admin there are no predefined process templates (when
clicking the "Deploy" button).

I found several other forum threads on this problem, but none of those
solutions did anything...neither /rtc/admin nor /jazz/admin are
functioning servlets. Nor is there any locale filter checkbox on the
project creation page.

Did I miss something on installation?

The fact that there are no predefined templates in the JTS server is
expected. In our ongoing RC0/Beta2 builds (which should be released very
soon), the JTS admin web UI is cleaned up to remove some of the confusion
- you'll no longer see a "Process templates" or "Project areas" page in
the JTS. It's up to each application (RTC, RQM, DOORS RP, etc.) to expose
project areas and templates in their own admin UI.

- Jared
Jazz Team Process

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