I have designed a report which generates a chart for the iteration with respect to duration and time spent on the work items. I have also enabled labels for the series which displays in the number of hours .
I want to make that chart interactive like if i select the duration bar for an iteration, it should display all the work items considered for that iteration.
I am using RTC v2.0.0.2.
I also tried ti enable on mouse click ith the hyperlink, but am not getting whether a new report should be created or not.
also the work items must be listed in the common ork items vie of the RTC client.
any help would be appreciated.
I have designed a report which generates a chart for the iteration with respect to duration and time spent on the work items. I have also enabled labels for the series which displays in the number of hours .
I want to make that chart interactive like if i select the duration bar for an iteration, it should display all the work items considered for that iteration.
I am using RTC v2.0.0.2.
I also tried ti enable on mouse click ith the hyperlink, but am not getting whether a new report should be created or not.
also the work items must be listed in the common ork items vie of the RTC client.
any help would be appreciated.