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Users can't see Plan.

MIke Wright (211) | asked Sep 02 '10, 9:48 p.m.
Firstly, I'm new to RTC.

A member of my team created a Plan under an iteration but cannot see it in the All Plans section when he tries to drill down. A refresh (even an RTC restart) didnt help. However, I can see it fine (Ive set us up so were all admins and have the same role in the Project Area). If he searches for Work Items assigned to him that are associated with the plan, he can open the plan (which to me eliminates permissions).

Ive had this with a different plan that I created and another developer couldnt see.

I did a quick survey in the room and found 4 could see the plans, 3 could not.

What am I missing?


6 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Sep 03 '10, 6:33 p.m.
Firstly, I'm new to RTC.

A member of my team created a Plan under an iteration but cannot see it in the All Plans section when he tries to drill down. A refresh (even an RTC restart) didnt help. However, I can see it fine (Ive set us up so were all admins and have the same role in the Project Area). If he searches for Work Items assigned to him that are associated with the plan, he can open the plan (which to me eliminates permissions).

Ive had this with a different plan that I created and another developer couldnt see.

I did a quick survey in the room and found 4 could see the plans, 3 could not.

What am I missing?


Hi Mike

Sounds rather odd. Can we check some simple things first - are you all team members of the project area, or the team area (if you created teams within the project area)?

Are you using the web or an IDE UI? If you are using the web - avoid IE6 - not supported and does not work and will give unpredictable results.


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MIke Wright (211) | answered Sep 05 '10, 5:36 p.m.
Hi Anthony

Sounds rather odd. Can we check some simple things first - are you all team members of the project area, or the team area (if you created teams within the project area)?

Yes, we are all members of the same team area, with same role, and same license, everybody has full admin rights. AFAIK everybody is the same for this project area.

Are you using the web or an IDE UI? If you are using the web - avoid IE6 - not supported and does not work and will give unpredictable results.

This is through the the IDE UI, only using the Web for dashboards.

I set up a chat with the creating user and dragged the Plan he created into the chat, which he could click and open. The only place it doesn't show up is in the tree in Team Artifacts.

Thanks Anthony.


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MIke Wright (211) | answered Sep 05 '10, 6:26 p.m.
Hi Anthony

Sounds rather odd. Can we check some simple things first - are you all team members of the project area, or the team area (if you created teams within the project area)?

Yes, we are all members of the same team area, with same role, and same license, everybody has full admin rights. AFAIK everybody is the same for this project area.

Are you using the web or an IDE UI? If you are using the web - avoid IE6 - not supported and does not work and will give unpredictable results.

This is through the the IDE UI, only using the Web for dashboards.

I set up a chat with the creating user and dragged the Plan he created into the chat, which he could click and open. The only place it doesn't show up is in the tree in Team Artifacts.

UPDATE: we changed users and experienced the same problem (e.g. I can see the plans on my box, but not when I log into the affected boxes). Will try a reinstall.


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MIke Wright (211) | answered Sep 05 '10, 6:49 p.m.
Ok, so we deleted all the install files including the files in users homedrive and reinstalled everything and it works fine now .... how bizarre.


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MIke Wright (211) | answered Sep 05 '10, 6:56 p.m.
Looks to be a corrupt workspace, delete the workspace folder and start again and its all good.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Sep 06 '10, 5:58 p.m.
Looks to be a corrupt workspace, delete the workspace folder and start again and its all good.

Hi Mike

Glad you got it sorted out.


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