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How to hide tabs and sections in workitem editor at particular state of workitem

Ahmed Ahmed (48832) | asked Dec 11 '15, 5:17 a.m.
edited Dec 11 '15, 5:18 a.m.

Is there any option in RTC, where we can hide the Workitem's editor tab and section on particular state. For example, I have a workitem editor with different tabs. i.e Overview, Details, ABC, XYZ. I want to to hide the ABC tab in particular state of workitem. Is it possible?

Or is there any way where we can hide sections of a tab in particular state of workitem. Currently i am hiding the attributes on particular state. I want to hide the full section?

Kindly guide me on this scenario.

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Feb 12 '16, 3:09 a.m.
hi Aftab,

This has been discussed earlier as well... here is the earlier forum query on the same :

Unfortunately, this is still not possible at v601 level. 

Ahmed Ahmed selected this answer as the correct answer

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