Error when running Metadata Wizard in Framework Manager.

Whenever I try to create a project, or update an existing one by running Metadata Wizard, I get the following error in Framework Manager:
Latest entry in ri_jdbc.log shows:
It's running against a copy of the out-of-the-box rqm.xdc that was only modified to point to the appropriate RQM ProjectArea with the corresponding valid credentials.
Looks like a problem in the table mapping definition in the xdc, but since it's just a copy of the OOTB one and I also have some other copies that work ok, it's possible that the problem is somewhere else.
Any pointers?
RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlOpen' status='-9'.
UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "AOpen".
CRREE9000E: Internal Java error, check ri_jdbc.log for details
Latest entry in ri_jdbc.log shows:
ERROR : CRREE1225E: The data mapping table '' does not exist.
It's running against a copy of the out-of-the-box rqm.xdc that was only modified to point to the appropriate RQM ProjectArea with the corresponding valid credentials.
Looks like a problem in the table mapping definition in the xdc, but since it's just a copy of the OOTB one and I also have some other copies that work ok, it's possible that the problem is somewhere else.
Any pointers?