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BF Can't find files in a mapped directory which actually loc

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Aug 20 '10, 10:37 a.m.

I have perl build scripts stored in one of the build server, e.g. server1, in D:\ccstg\triggers. It says "Can't open perl script, no such file or directory.

I map this directory C
\\server1\ccstg to N:\ on all build servers. No problem for other build servers, but this server1 doesn't work. BF agent can't find the files in N:\triggers. You know the file is actually in D:\ccstg\triggers on this server.

Any idea?


3 answers

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Peter Birk (501145) | answered Aug 23 '10, 3:57 p.m.

I have perl build scripts stored in one of the build server, e.g. server1, in D:\ccstg\triggers. It says "Can't open perl script, no such file or directory.

I map this directory C
\\server1\ccstg to N:\ on all build servers. No problem for other build servers, but this server1 doesn't work. BF agent can't find the files in N:\triggers. You know the file is actually in D:\ccstg\triggers on this server.

Any idea?


Is the drive mapping successfully? It would probably be helpful to see the activity_log from the agent on that system. You can enable this by editing the bfagent.conf and unremarking the activity_log line and setup a path to a valid writable log file name. Recreate the problem on this agent and you should see debug information in that log file.


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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Aug 23 '10, 4:00 p.m.
The drive is already mapped with no problem.

I ended up using _MAP variable, seems working. Thanks for your help.


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Jonas Gryder (11663) | answered Sep 08 '10, 2:51 p.m.
I've discoverd the _MAP variable is alway the way to go on Windows, and is the only way to go if the drive is not local to the Machine. The best approach is to use it to map next available drive, as opposed to hard mapping to a specific drive. Otherwise, you can end up with problems when 2 jobs try to map differently.

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