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CQ connector - got an error

Gary Dang (59338955) | asked Mar 19 '08, 5:37 p.m.
Just installed 0.6M5a and trying to use the connector. When I create a CQ record, I am seeing this error in the gateway. I think I probably missed a step in the config. Any idea? By the way, the mapping seems to indicate it is talking to CQ because it displays the CQ fields, etc.

INFO: Server startup in 6509 ms
Got an InteropException: No CQRepository created for null

14 answers

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Mar 21 '08, 6:21 p.m.
Looking at your sync rules, I see that you have a CQ ADT_Project_Properties record type that is mapped to a Jazz category. Then there is an ADT_Issue record type that is mapped to a Jazz work item. What is the relationship between ADT_Issue and ADT_Project? Does ADT_Issue reference an ADT_
Project? If that's the case, then I would have expected the reference field as the external property not what appears to be a simple string field, Adt_Project_Name. Also, you wouldn't need to use the category value transformer, just reference your ADT_Project_Properties sync rule. This is similar to what we have setup in our sample sync rules.


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Gary Dang (59338955) | answered Mar 25 '08, 12:08 p.m.
There is a field in ADT_Issue called project. The value of project comes from the ADT_Project_Properties record. But the project field in ADT_Issue is populated when the user creates or updates the ADT_Issue record.

Regarding "Also, you wouldn't need to use the category value transformer, just reference your ADT_Project_Properties sync rule.", do you mean I need to link the ADT_Issue sync rule to the ADT_Project_Properties sync rule?

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Mar 25 '08, 2:42 p.m.
Our sample sync rules support a schema where a CQ defect has a reference to a CQ project. We have CQ defects mapped to Jazz work items and CQ projects mapped to Jazz categories.

It sounds like your schema is similar to ours in that the ADT_Issue has a reference to a ADT_Project_Properties. ADT_Issue is mapped to a Jazz work item and ADT_Project_Properties is mapped to Jazz categories. So your sync rules should be similar to our sample sync rules. Look at the project external property to Jazz category property mapping in the work item sample sync rule to see an example of referencing a sync rule from another sync rule.


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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Apr 14 '08, 1:48 p.m.

Just wondering if the NullPointerException on outgoing issue has been resolved for you by modifying your sync rules?


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