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including libs into a build

Matthias Böhmer (1462019) | asked Mar 16 '08, 10:02 a.m.

I have a Dynamic Web Project created with WTP. Now I want this project to be build by a build engine. With Eclipse I exported a build.xml and defined a build definition as described by the community tutorial. When I request a build for this definition, it fails - of course - because the libs are missing.

Is there an easy way to have the libs included into the build? In Eclipse they are included to the classpath of the project by the WTP (linked to Tomcat). How can I do this in the build definition? And how do I get a deployable war file from the build?

Thank you in advance!

4 answers

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Matthias Böhmer (1462019) | answered Mar 17 '08, 7:13 a.m.
Okay, I got a workaround: set up a extra component containing all the required libs and the build.xml. This component should only be available in the buildmeisters workspace.

Having a build now, there is another question: Does Jazz support me to publish the results of the build, e.g. a war-archive? For example, I want the webproject to be available as downloadable On there are those nice rss-feeds for available builds. How can I do this?

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Ryan Manwiller (1.3k1) | answered Mar 17 '08, 2:07 p.m.
We provide an ant task for you to publish an artifact. It will show up on
the downloads page in the build result in Team Concert.

See \jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit\examples\compile-and-test\build.xml


<artifactFilePublisher buildResultUUID="${buildResultUUID}"
label="The hello jar" />

This will copy the bytes into the Jazz repository. If you'd rather just
publish a link, see artifactLinkPublisher.

Sorry, no advise on setting up the rss stuff. I believe that's all custom
and not based on the artifacts published for the build.

Ryan Manwiller
Jazz Team Build

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Matthias Böhmer (1462019) | answered Mar 18 '08, 7:20 a.m.
Okay, I'll give that a try. But if not available by any rss-feed, how can I make the result of the build downloadable for people who have no RTC installed (e.g. customers)? When I click on a build in the Builds Viewlet of a dashboard, the server sends me an xml file, but no human readable site.

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Ryan Manwiller (1.3k1) | answered Mar 19 '08, 4:51 p.m.
The Builds viewlet is being enhanced in M6 to allow you to get the downloads
and logs for the build. It's limited to just downloads and logs. We did not
have time to do a full web-ui for build in 1.0.

Ryan Manwiller
Jazz Team Build

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