scm resolve --merged
I am trying to merge a file changed in two different workspaces, that flow to the same stream. The changes are non-conflicting.
When I run the lscm.bat accept command to accept the incoming change set in workspace no. 2 I get a notice that there is a conflict and that I must use the resolve or conflict subcommands. When I run the resolve <path> command without options I am told that I must use exactly one of --merged or --proposed, but when I use the --merged option, I am told that this option is not supported:
How can I have the lscm.bat command merge non-conflicting changes for me?
We are running RTC Express-C iFix3 on Windows.
When I run the lscm.bat accept command to accept the incoming change set in workspace no. 2 I get a notice that there is a conflict and that I must use the resolve or conflict subcommands. When I run the resolve <path> command without options I am told that I must use exactly one of --merged or --proposed, but when I use the --merged option, I am told that this option is not supported:
# lscm.bat accept
Conflict autoresolution failed in workspace "RTCChild"
Repository: https://pc-2286:9443/jazz/
Workspace: (1007) "RTCChild"
Component: (1002) "RTC Performance Default Component"
Change sets:
(1019) Erik K. Dalskov -#$ <No>
!-c \SitaWare.Source\Systematic.SitaWare.Test\Helpers.cs
Following workspaces still have conflicts after accept:
Run 'scm resolve' or 'scm conflicts' or 'scm status' for help in resolving the conflicts.
# lscm.bat resolve SitaWare.Source/Systematic.SitaWare.Test/Helpers.cs
Problem running 'resolve':
Must specify exactly one resolution: --merged or --proposed
# lscm.bat resolve SitaWare.Source/Systematic.SitaWare.Test/Helpers.cs --merged
Argument syntax error:
Subcommand "resolve" does not support option "--merged"
How can I have the lscm.bat command merge non-conflicting changes for me?
We are running RTC Express-C iFix3 on Windows.
One answer
I am trying to merge a file changed in two different workspaces, that flow to the same stream. The changes are non-conflicting.
When I run the lscm.bat accept command to accept the incoming change set in workspace no. 2 I get a notice that there is a conflict and that I must use the resolve or conflict subcommands. When I run the resolve <path> command without options I am told that I must use exactly one of --merged or --proposed, but when I use the --merged option, I am told that this option is not supported:
# lscm.bat accept
Conflict autoresolution failed in workspace "RTCChild"
Repository: https://pc-2286:9443/jazz/
Workspace: (1007) "RTCChild"
Component: (1002) "RTC Performance Default Component"
Change sets:
(1019) Erik K. Dalskov -#$ <No>
!-c \SitaWare.Source\Systematic.SitaWare.Test\Helpers.cs
Following workspaces still have conflicts after accept:
Run 'scm resolve' or 'scm conflicts' or 'scm status' for help in resolving the conflicts.
# lscm.bat resolve SitaWare.Source/Systematic.SitaWare.Test/Helpers.cs
Problem running 'resolve':
Must specify exactly one resolution: --merged or --proposed
# lscm.bat resolve SitaWare.Source/Systematic.SitaWare.Test/Helpers.cs --merged
Argument syntax error:
Subcommand "resolve" does not support option "--merged"
How can I have the lscm.bat command merge non-conflicting changes for me?
We are running RTC Express-C iFix3 on Windows.
The message text should have read... Must specify exactly one resolution:
Non conflicting changes should have been automatically merged. You could also try listing the content with "lscm conflicts -proposed <filepath>" and check if it is any different than your checked in file.