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License management

Jeff Stratford (7182) | asked Jul 13 '10, 5:37 p.m.
How does one determine which license to 'get'?
I can't find a correlation between what I downloaded and the various
products on the list.
I suspect that I was the Enterprise server license, but it is not floating.

My one for last year was IBM Rational Asset Manager License Key (floating)

I don't see this option in the list.

See my screen shot. I provide it if I could figure out how to. This kind of sucks.


4 answers

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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Jul 14 '10, 8:05 a.m.
not sure that I fully understand the question .... no screen shot :-(

In general for 7.2 you need a server lic.: std. or enterprise. The later is needed for clustering support, and the ability to add/change workflows.
Floating lic. is only available with an enterprise server.

For an enterprise lic
IBM Rational Asset Manager Enterprise Edition Svr License Key
you will select the "Enterprise Edition" in the Administration->Configuration page.

If you are using Authorized users lic.
IBM Rational Asset Manager Enterprise Edition Publisher Authorized User License Key, or IBM Rational Asset Manager Enterprise Edition Collaborator Authorized User License Key
You can monitor/control its usage from the Administration->License Management Page.

To see what's loaded on your FlexLM server, use the FlexLM Lic. Mgt. tool.

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Jeff Stratford (7182) | answered Jul 14 '10, 8:24 a.m.
Thank you for your response.
Can you tell me how to add an image to this forum? It would bring me back to 1990 at least.

If I could share the image I think you will see that the std if the floating one.
I would really like to know the details of each kind of license.
I hate it when I go through all the installation and find that I don't have the feature I expect when I'm all done.

There is a need for 1) a way to look at the install package and see exactly what I have downloaded with a title that matches the items in the list of the license keys that are available in the table from the Rational website.

I will send you the screen shot directly.

Thank you again.

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Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Jul 14 '10, 9:36 a.m.

If you do a Google search on

Rational Asset Manager license

One of the first 7.2 things that shows up is:

Rational Asset Manager 7.2 Editions and Licensing ...


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Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Jul 14 '10, 9:41 a.m.

Though there is mea culpa. I had asked ages ago to get the name of the
Standard Server license fixed up, but it STILL says Standard Server
floating license. There are no standard server floating licenses. That
is THE standard server license required for the server itself.


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