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Integrating with other Repositories

michael garvin (116119) | asked Mar 10 '08, 11:43 a.m.
Hey, I've been evaluating Jazz over the past week. I really like it as an ALM but for us to get the full benefit, we need to show integration with existing repositories. For example:

- Quality Center
- Testing repositories

Obviously we could dig into Jazz via Java and write extensions and plugins to bridge the gap. But..I was trying to see if there are existing ways I can already use to show the bridging is possible.

I've installed Mylin and the JazzMylin connector, and it seems to work as far as Mylin and my sample Bugzilla server are concerned. But I haven't found a way to nicely tie my external Bugzilla bugs into a Story or Work Item.

I can copy the hyperlink details from Mylin to the description of a new work item, but there doesn't seem to be specialization of Story, Task, Work Item that could serve as an automatic hook into the external repository.

Here I'm using Bugzilla as my sample would in reality be QualityCenter, or DOORS or something else.

Manually copying the Mylin link is works...but its kind of awkward. :( Is the JazzMylin plugin supposed to have a nice wrapper for Mylin tasks that connects properly to Story/Task/Work Item?

I guess ultimately the real solution is to extend Jazz the way we need to. Just wondering if there is an easier way to show some of the bridging immediately.

Its important to us because at the enterprise level we have huge amounts of data in these other systems. If we want to apply Jazz to existing groups (rather than just small very new projects), then we have to bridge to the existing data repositories.

On that note, can you give me any details/availability estimates on API's for Jazz?


2 answers

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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered Mar 10 '08, 6:12 p.m.
If you're just looking for an example of a Jazz repository connected to something else, you could look at the ClearCase and ClearQuest Connectors, integrations with IBM Rational ClearCase and ClearQuest that allow you to synchronize source-controlled files with ClearCase and work item data with ClearQuest. The ClearCase Connector is included with Team Concert; the ClearQuest Connector requires download and installation of an additional zip archive available in the various build download pages. Of course, you would need to have ClearCase and/or ClearQuest installed (version 7.0.1 or later).

The ClearQuest Connector is based on an underlying framework for connecting "items" (we use that term for objects other than source-controlled files, for which there is another framework used to create a connection with ClearCase). There is some background information in the wiki page. While it was a goal of the ClearCase and ClearQuest connector designs to produce frameworks which could be used for creating connectors to other things, today there is no readily consumable SDK and documentation for building them, as the primary goal for the first release of Team Concert was to support connecting to ClearCase and ClearQuest. However, if you are really interested in building such things, let us know.

Jazz ClearQuest Connector Team

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michael garvin (116119) | answered Mar 11 '08, 2:23 a.m.
Cool, thanks for the tip! ha, ha, yes indeed we are using Clearcase, except that our Agile teams unanimously hate it :( To be fair any SCM can be used well or not so well within any given process framework. Perception counts for a lot though. At any rate that is a huge can of worms, that I'm not in a position to open at the moment.

Thanks again, I agree, the CQ connector will be a good exemplar if we get into deeper integration enigineering.


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