Show originating workspace in history view
3 answers
Let me clarify this a little more.
What we are looking for is a way to follow a change-set as it flows from workspace to stream (and between streams using an intermediate workspace).
A history view of a workspace or stream, showing the accept/deliver actions, might be a way to make this visible.
(provided that this kind of info is kept in the repository)
What we are looking for is a way to follow a change-set as it flows from workspace to stream (and between streams using an intermediate workspace).
A history view of a workspace or stream, showing the accept/deliver actions, might be a way to make this visible.
(provided that this kind of info is kept in the repository)
We don't track the origin of change-sets, since they can come from anywhere really. For example, today you can accept them from a work item, from a stream, from someone elses repo workspace, and someday from a chat-message or a mail attachement.
What we can do as of M5 is show where a change-set has flowed. We use this quite often to follow change-sets through the flow hierarchy. Run the "Locate in..." action on a change-set and pick the option to search the flow targets.
Jazz Source Control Team
What we can do as of M5 is show where a change-set has flowed. We use this quite often to follow change-sets through the flow hierarchy. Run the "Locate in..." action on a change-set and pick the option to search the flow targets.
Jazz Source Control Team
We don't track the origin of change-sets, since they can come from anywhere really
I realized this after my initial posting. However it would be great addition to have a history view on workspaces and streams (which currently do not have a history view), which shows all accept and deliver actions on a particular workspace or stream (optionally including the origin/target of each accept/deliver).
(I tried the "locate in" which is nice, but shows it from a change-set perspective. Also selecting all flow targets to search is quite cumbersome)