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SourceControl - read / write permissions

Bruno Braga (48013621) | asked Nov 03 '08, 4:29 p.m.
Is possible to configure which folder or components a user can read and write in a project?

The "Project A" has 3 components:
- Design
- Product
- Financial

"Design" is controlled by the engineers team
"Product" is controlled by the developers team
"Financial" is controlled by the managers team

The developers team can read files of Design, write in Product and can't read Financial.

It's possible?

2 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Nov 03 '08, 4:47 p.m.
Is possible to configure which folder or components a user can read and write in a project?

The "Project A" has 3 components:
- Design
- Product
- Financial

"Design" is controlled by the engineers team
"Product" is controlled by the developers team
"Financial" is controlled by the managers team

The developers team can read files of Design, write in Product and can't read Financial.

It's possible?

No - not the "can't read" bit. RTC allows read access to everything on the same server, and controls write permissions. The only way to do this right now is to have the read-only bits on another RTC server - and not give logins to the dev/eng team on the financials server.


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Bruno Braga (48013621) | answered Nov 03 '08, 9:22 p.m.

I opened an enhancement:

But that is already planned:

Is a important feature and planned only to version 2.0 :/

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