Restrict code deliver to stream if any SonarQube rule violation
One answer
The general logic is explained in
Start here:
On are various "Participants" - follow up actions and "Advisors" which are preconditions you want to write.
Then you need to know the Sonar API and you need to know how to know a rule fails. If it runs in the Eclipse client you have to write an eclipse client advisor extension it would run similar to the "Clean Workspace" and "No Unused Imports".
The key is, how your advisor knows that a rule is violated.
Start here:
On are various "Participants" - follow up actions and "Advisors" which are preconditions you want to write.
Then you need to know the Sonar API and you need to know how to know a rule fails. If it runs in the Eclipse client you have to write an eclipse client advisor extension it would run similar to the "Clean Workspace" and "No Unused Imports".
The key is, how your advisor knows that a rule is violated.