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Help - Topic Not Found When Installing RTC into RSM

Guislain LAGRON (3674) | asked Jun 24 '10, 9:01 p.m.

I have been looking forward to the well integrated single-UI promised by the various Jazz & Eclipse products, specifically RSM & RTC, for quite some time.

Since RSM7.5.4, RSM & RTC can shell share, so I installed RSM7.5.5.1 into a C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP_RSM_RTC package then installed RTC2.0.02iFix3 into the same package. All the right perspectives appear (Work Items, Requirement, Modeling, etc...), and I can switch at will between them!

However, I noticed that most of the Help, whether accessed via RTC or RSM returns:
Topic not found
The topic that you have requested is not available. The link may be wrong, or you may not have the corresponding product feature installed. This online help only includes documentation for features that are installed.

If I install RSM in its own C:\Program Files\IBM\RSM package then the tutorial section looks like this:
Do and Learn
    Share UML items with Rational Asset Manager
    Share plug-in items by using Rational Asset Manager
    Create a services model
    Apply a pattern
    Create a pattern
    Create a pluglet
    Automate publishing and reporting with Apache Ant
    Create a BIRT report design for a UML model
    Generate a report for a UML model
    Publish a UML model
    Export a RAS asset
    Import a RAS asset
    Import a Rose model with related property sets
    Create, configure, and run a model-to-model transformation
    Create a business process model
    Associate requirements with domain elements
    Customize a UML profile by using profile tooling

but in the shared C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP_RSM_RTC package, the tutorial section looks like this:
Do and Learn
    Explore the Rational Team Concert JUnit example project
    Get started with Rational Team Concert
    Get started with the Rational ClearQuest Connector

It appears that most but not all of the RSM help has been replaced, but it appears to be neither a union (sigh!), nor a replacement, nor an intersection.

How can I access:
    1. The merged Help
    2. RTC help separately
    3. RSM help separately

Thanks, Guislain

5 answers

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jun 26 '10, 9:03 a.m.
Note that bugs in the combined on-line help installation are a consider
bugs in product. Please submit a bug against either RSM and RTC (your
choice :-). Minimally, there is some problem with the installation


On 6/24/2010 9:07 PM, glagron wrote:

I have been looking forward to the well integrated single-UI promised
by the various Jazz& Eclipse products, specifically RSM&
RTC, for quite some time.

Since RSM7.5.4, RSM& RTC can shell share, so I installed
RSM7.5.5.1 into a C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP_RSM_RTC package then
installed RTC2.0.02iFix3 into the same package. All the right
perspectives appear (Work Items, Requirement, Modeling, etc...), and
I can switch at will between them!

However, I noticed that most of the Help, whether accessed via RTC or
RSM returns:
Topic not found
The topic that you have requested is not available. The link may be
wrong, or you may not have the corresponding product feature
installed. This online help only includes documentation for features
that are installed.

If I install RSM in its own C:\Program Files\IBM\RSM package then the
tutorial section looks like this:
Do and Learn
Share UML items with Rational Asset Manager
Share plug-in items by using Rational Asset Manager
Create a services model
Apply a pattern
Create a pattern
Create a pluglet
Automate publishing and reporting with Apache Ant
Create a BIRT report design for a UML model
Generate a report for a UML model
Publish a UML model
Export a RAS asset
Import a RAS asset
Import a Rose model with related property sets
Create, configure, and run a model-to-model transformation
Create a business process model
Associate requirements with domain elements
Customize a UML profile by using profile tooling

but in the shared C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP_RSM_RTC package, the
tutorial section looks like this:
Do and Learn
    Explore the Rational Team Concert JUnit example
    Get started with Rational Team Concert
    Get started with the Rational ClearQuest

It appears that most but not all of the RSM help has been replaced,
but it appears to be neither a union (sigh!), nor a replacement, nor
an intersection.

How can I access:
    1. The merged Help
    2. RTC help separately
    3. RSM help separately

Thanks, Guislain

permanent link
Guislain LAGRON (3674) | answered Jun 30 '10, 3:28 p.m.

I logged a defect 119423, but the odd thing is that the Help got installed correctly on some desktops (using IBM IM 1.3.3), but it did not on at least one desktop (using IBM IM 1.3.4).

On that desktop, I uninstalled both RSM & RTC from C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP_RSM_RTC and reinstalled both in the same (purged) package but the odd behavior continues, specifically:
- If I launch RTC, I get the Topic not found error requesting the Tutorials.
- If I launch RSM, I can access the Tutorial

In either case, if I request Local Help Updater, it tells me that the option is disabled, because it is configured to access help on the web. Therefore, it does not seem to be tied the local installation.

Is help a shared resource under C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared?
How can I reset or re-index Help, and would it help?
Is IBM Installation Manager 1.3.4 vs. 1.3.3 a factor?

Thanks, Guislain

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 01 '10, 12:31 a.m.
Unfortunately, I don't know enough about the help system to answer the
questions below, but I'm also interested in the answer (:-). Any help
system experts out there?


On 6/30/2010 3:37 PM, glagron wrote:

I logged a defect 119423, but the odd thing is that the Help got
installed correctly on some desktops (using IBM IM 1.3.3), but it did
not on at least one desktop (using IBM IM 1.3.4).

On that desktop, I uninstalled both RSM& RTC from C:\Program
Files\IBM\SDP_RSM_RTC and reinstalled both in the same (purged)
package but the odd behavior continues, specifically:
- If I launch RTC, I get the Topic not found error requesting the
- If I launch RSM, I can access the Tutorial

In either case, if I request Local Help Updater, it tells me that the
option is disabled, because it is configured to access help on the
web. Therefore, it does not seem to be tied the local installation.

Is help a shared resource under C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared?
How can I reset or re-index Help, and would it help?
Is IBM Installation Manager 1.3.4 vs. 1.3.3 a factor?

Thanks, Guislain

permanent link
Janis Steinfeld (11) | answered Jun 06 '11, 6:02 p.m.
When you invoke RTC 2002, it is erroneously overriding a help preference which is causing the link to the RSM help (which is, by default, remote) to no longer be accessed. Please try the following so that the RSM help appears correctly in the combined information center:

From RTC,

1. Open Windows>Preferences>Help>Content
2. Check the button at the top of the page "Include help content from a remote infocenter"
3. Apply, OK to exit the preferences dialog
4. Reinvoke the help (Help>Contents) and all the RSM topics should display correctly.

Our UT infrastructure team is investigating a fix to RTC 2002 so that it doesn't deselect the preference button.

Note that, once the two products are installed in the same shell, there is no way to access anything but the merged help from within the product. You can view the information centers separately on the web:



permanent link
Janis Steinfeld (11) | answered Nov 14 '11, 11:51 a.m.
The problem is arising when using RSM and RTC 2002 inf a shell-sharing scenario because RSM uses web delivery for it's help (i.e., by default, it's information is on the web and accessed there) while RTC 2002 has all of it's help included as part of the product. Normally, this would not be an issue but there is a defect in the help infrastructure for RTC 2002 and when it is installed, it is erroneously overriding a help preference which is causing the link to the RSM help (which is, by default, remote) to no longer be accessed.

To correct this, please make the following preference change so that the RSM help appears correctly in the combined information center no matter which product is invoked:

From RTC,

1. Open Windows>Preferences>Help>Content
2. Check the button at the top of the page "Include help content from a remote infocenter"
3. Apply, OK to exit the preferences dialog
4. Reinvoke the help (Help>Contents) and all the RSM topics should display correctly in the merged information center since the products are shell-sharing

Note that, once the two products are installed in the same shell, there is no way to access anything but the merged help from within the product. You can view the information centers separately on the web:


I do not know why the version of the IM being used would have any effect on this.

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