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Can I move Work Items to another Project Area

Jeff Barrett (2143) | asked Mar 04 '08, 3:55 p.m.

Is it possible to move Work Items between Project Areas?

Basically, I want to move a WI to a different Team Area, but that Team Area is in another Project Area. The visible categories within the Work Item seem to only be those defined in the current Project Area, so I can't move it by changing the category.

Thanks in advance,

2 answers

permanent link
Elisabeth Carbone (616108) | answered Mar 04 '08, 6:08 p.m.
Hello Jeff,

this question was answered earlier in the community.
Please see

Does this help you to get the WI moved?


permanent link
Jeff Barrett (2143) | answered Mar 05 '08, 8:59 a.m.
Hi Elisabeth,

It sure does! Thanks for the reply


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