Running BF 2011 M2 on same system as older BF 7.1.1.x
Here are instructions for running Build Forge 2011 milestone 2 (downloadable here: on the same system with an old version of Build Forge to avoid port conflicts. If you notice any port conflicts during startup, you may need to adjust these instructions to reflect a different port setting in one or more of the files mentioned. If you have already installed a different milestone driver elsewhere, you need to run "demo uninstall" prior to running "demo" in the new milestone to startup the server.
1. Change Tomcat ports.
2. Change Apache ports.
3. Change buildforge.conf
4. Edit buildforge.conf in the OSGi bundle.
Add the "jar.exe" to your path from an existing Build Forge server. Then change into your plugins directory where the OSGi bundle exists. Execute the following commands to update buildforge.conf there.
5. Delete the Tomcat working directory where the Jazz plugins exist. This will make it use the new OSGi plugin modified above.
6. Modify the port in the jas_provisioning WAR.
7. Start "demo" in the milestone_2 directory. You should not see any port conflicts and can get to the UI from http://localhost:81.
Note: If you have a milestone with the new UI, you can access it at http://localhost:9081/newui.
1. Change Tomcat ports.
- edit root_dir\milestone_2\jazz\server\tomcat\conf\server.xml.
- Search on "port". Bump every port up one value.
2. Change Apache ports.
- edit <root_dir>\milestone_2\Apache\conf\httpd.conf
- Search on "8080". Change the values (in two locations) to "81" (or some other value you want to use). You will access the UI for this server via http://localhost:81.
3. Change buildforge.conf
- Edit the file <root_dir>\milestone_2\buildforge.conf
- Change just these values to the following (bumped up one port #). Copy these to the clipboard, you'll need these in the next step.
services_tcp_port 3967
services_ssl_port 49151
services_url https://localhost:9444/jazz/jas
4. Edit buildforge.conf in the OSGi bundle.
Add the "jar.exe" to your path from an existing Build Forge server. Then change into your plugins directory where the OSGi bundle exists. Execute the following commands to update buildforge.conf there.
- set path=c:\BuildForge7113.053\ibmjdk\bin;%path%
- cd <root_dir>\milestone_2\jazz\server\jas-update-site\plugins
- jar -xvf buildforge.conf
- edit <root_dir>\milestone_2\jazz\server\jas-update-site\plugins\buildforge.conf
- *** Add the folowing 3 lines to the end of this file, and save it ***
services_tcp_port 3967
services_ssl_port 49151
services_url https://localhost:9444/jazz/jas
- jar -u0vf buildforge.conf
5. Delete the Tomcat working directory where the Jazz plugins exist. This will make it use the new OSGi plugin modified above.
- del /s/q milestone_2\jazz\server\tomcat\work
6. Modify the port in the jas_provisioning WAR.
- edit <root_dir>I\milestone_2\jazz\server\tomcat\webapps\provisioning-jas\WEB-INF\web.xml
- change 9080 to 9081
- Save the file.
7. Start "demo" in the milestone_2 directory. You should not see any port conflicts and can get to the UI from http://localhost:81.
Note: If you have a milestone with the new UI, you can access it at http://localhost:9081/newui.