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RAFW and WebSphere Cloudburst

Laura Venturini (661138) | asked Jun 28 '10, 11:35 a.m.
Hi all,
I'm trying to configure the integration between RAFW and WebSphere Cloudburst appliance, but it's not so clear to me how to proceed.
I've followed the Infocenter document: I've executed the script IntegrateToBF.bat createIntegrationArtifacts wca on RAFW side, then added the script package and dedicated pattern on WCA side. I've also deployed the pattern on the cloudburst (and I can see that the virtual system has been generated), but now I don't know how to aware RAFW that a cloudburst envirnment is present and how to manage/update the virtual system from RAFW console.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions

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Timothy Robertson (216143) | answered Jun 30 '10, 4:28 p.m.
The docs in the link below are an important part of the WCA/RAFW linkage.

When you deploy a pattern you will want to Configure the virtual parts in the WCA UI. The RAFW_AUTOMATION_PLAN corresponds to a BF project name that should be run. As stated in the docs, if the combination of RAFW_ENVIRONMENT and the cell name are unique, when the RAFW script package calls back to the BF/RAFW server it will create a new definition for the cell. If the combination is not unique we will update the RAFW Environment with the new node names/IP addrs. The script package will also launch the BF project specified in the rafw automation plan field.

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