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Email notification for builds

Remy Suen (426224) | asked May 28 '07, 4:55 p.m.
retagged Mar 15 '13, 3:38 p.m. by Hadar Hawk (1882214)

I'm using 0.6M0 here. Is it possible to configure builds to send out
emails upon completion / failed builds / what-not?

I saw that enhancement 8945 is about subscribing users to build emails,
so I presume some kind of emailing setup is in place but that you
currently can't add people to the list to be emailed (does that even
make sense)? Task 8924 also implies that an email system is setup since
it's requesting for build change events to be sent out via email like
work items. What I'm curious about is who are the receipients "by
default" without subscription?

But then I also found task 1611 about integrating uniform email and rss
notification. The last comment by Ryan Manwiller notes that "Build now
supports the standard change events and event log. If an email story is
ever added to that, we should be in a position to support it." and the
task was resolved as WONTFIX. So is email capabilities supposed to be
built in by extending the Jazz build system via extension points or

Thanks in advance for any clarifications.


Accepted answer

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Lauren Hayward Schaefer (3.3k11727) | answered Mar 14 '13, 7:04 a.m.
Just stumbled across this post.  In case others find this, it is now possible to configure email notifications when builds complete:
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

9 other answers

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered May 29 '07, 2:35 p.m.

There is no support for email notifications from builds in Jazz at this
time. It has been discussed, as the various work items attest, but is
not available in .6M0 (and will not be in .6M1).


Remy Chi Jian Suen wrote:

I'm using 0.6M0 here. Is it possible to configure builds to send out
emails upon completion / failed builds / what-not?

I saw that enhancement 8945 is about subscribing users to build emails,
so I presume some kind of emailing setup is in place but that you
currently can't add people to the list to be emailed (does that even
make sense)? Task 8924 also implies that an email system is setup since
it's requesting for build change events to be sent out via email like
work items. What I'm curious about is who are the receipients "by
default" without subscription?

But then I also found task 1611 about integrating uniform email and rss
notification. The last comment by Ryan Manwiller notes that "Build now
supports the standard change events and event log. If an email story is
ever added to that, we should be in a position to support it." and the
task was resolved as WONTFIX. So is email capabilities supposed to be
built in by extending the Jazz build system via extension points or

Thanks in advance for any clarifications.


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Remy Suen (426224) | answered May 30 '07, 8:48 a.m.
Hi Martha,

Thank you very much for the swift reply. From task 1611, Ryan noted that
the RSS part has been completed. After some work item queries, I found
defect 13909 where I can use the URI
to subscribe to feeds from an arbitrary rss reader.

I get five notifications in total (start, compile, fetch code, test,
complete). Is there any way to configure this? The feeds themselves also
do not render in Thunderbird.

"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated
with it. The document tree is shown below."

I could not find any work items matching a textual query of "rss style".
Are there plans to format/display this properly or something?



Martha Andrews wrote:

There is no support for email notifications from builds in Jazz at this
time. It has been discussed, as the various work items attest, but is
not available in .6M0 (and will not be in .6M1).


Remy Chi Jian Suen wrote:

I'm using 0.6M0 here. Is it possible to configure builds to send out
emails upon completion / failed builds / what-not?

I saw that enhancement 8945 is about subscribing users to build
emails, so I presume some kind of emailing setup is in place but that
you currently can't add people to the list to be emailed (does that
even make sense)? Task 8924 also implies that an email system is setup
since it's requesting for build change events to be sent out via email
like work items. What I'm curious about is who are the receipients "by
default" without subscription?

But then I also found task 1611 about integrating uniform email and
rss notification. The last comment by Ryan Manwiller notes that "Build
now supports the standard change events and event log. If an email
story is ever added to that, we should be in a position to support
it." and the task was resolved as WONTFIX. So is email capabilities
supposed to be built in by extending the Jazz build system via
extension points or something?

Thanks in advance for any clarifications.


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Stefan Stern (4062128) | answered May 30 '07, 2:35 p.m.

There is no support for email notifications from builds in Jazz at this
time. It has been discussed, as the various work items attest, but is
not available in .6M0 (and will not be in .6M1).

What I can think of as workaround was to use a separate library for Ant
and have it send a notification with the build results. Of course
assuming that you use Ant as build system.

For further information, you might want to have a look at this:

This will enable you to send at least a mail. If you have an "error"
property set or something, you can distinguish between failure and pass.


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Todd Lainhart (40611) | answered Jun 05 '07, 8:50 a.m.
Remy Chi Jian Suen wrote:

"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated
with it. The document tree is shown below."

I could not find any work items matching a textual query of "rss style".
Are there plans to format/display this properly or something?

Hi Rem -

The default syndication format of our feeds is Atom 1.0. I'm not
familiar with Thunderbird as a feed reader to know if it can be
configured for Atom, but if it cannot, you can generate RSS feeds from
your Jazz server by appending the query parameter "feedType=rss" to your
feed URL.

You also asked about additional configurations for your Jazz feeds. Do
you have some examples that you can cite?

-- Todd

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Remy Suen (426224) | answered Jun 05 '07, 9:30 a.m.
Hi Todd,

Todd Lainhart wrote:
The default syndication format of our feeds is Atom 1.0. I'm not
familiar with Thunderbird as a feed reader to know if it can be
configured for Atom, but if it cannot, you can generate RSS feeds from
your Jazz server by appending the query parameter "feedType=rss" to your
feed URL.

Strangely enough, that URL no longer works for me so I am unable to try

You also asked about additional configurations for your Jazz feeds. Do
you have some examples that you can cite?

Well, when I have Jazz open I get those alert notifiers on the bottom
right corner that informs me when a build has finished. I was just
assuming that the feeds would do the same (by only telling me that the
build has finished instead of telling me all this other stuff like


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Steven Wasleski (17633) | answered Jun 28 '07, 5:39 p.m.
Remy Chi Jian Suen wrote:
Well, when I have Jazz open I get those alert notifiers on the bottom
right corner that informs me when a build has finished. I was just
assuming that the feeds would do the same (by only telling me that the
build has finished instead of telling me all this other stuff like

Do you really need an email notification or just a notification that is

more persistent than the alerts at the bottom right of the screen? If it
is the latter, have you taken a look at the Team Central view. The same
notification as the alert shows up there but as a list of build results
that updates on a regular basis. I believe both of these work from the
same feed information. The build results can be queried as well.

I hope this helps,

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Jason Bird (511) | answered Jul 18 '09, 2:08 p.m.
Hey folks!

We have some people internally who really want to use Outlook to see all work item changes.

I don't think email notifications will work because:

1) I don't think there's a way to automagically subscribe them to all work items (and all new work items) and
2) I don't think there's an email notification setting for "all work items regardless of my relationship with them"

So I figured the easiest way would be to simply subscribe them to an RSS feed of work item changes.

Here I ran into the problem of Outlook not being able to handling authenticated feeds. I found a Jazz technote ( by Ritchie that seems to give me 2 options:

a) Switch from Form-based to Basic auth or
b) Unsecure just the RSS URLs

I don't want to try 'a' because we are stuck with Tomcat for the time being and Basic auth would not be performant. So I want to make just the RSS feeds non-secure.

Per the technote, I first added the following security contstraint to the web.xml in the jazz web app:


I then restarted Jazz (making sure that the web.xml change was not overwritten for any reason) and tried the following URL:


However, this does not work - I am still redirected to the Form auth page and required to login.

So my question is, is this approach still valid in 2.0? And if so, what am I missing?


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Jason Bird (511) | answered Jul 18 '09, 2:12 p.m.
Whoops, meant to post that in a new topic.

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man fire (7111210) | answered Aug 13 '09, 1:34 p.m.

Hi guyys, this urgent , for somereason a closed work item has rtc spamming emails with ADMIN <ADMIN> changed on Jul 21, 2009 at 2:53:57 PM PT:

so Aadmin is sending emails.I took off the subscribers but its still sending emails.

Any quick insight would be appreciated.Thanks.

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