Tracking logon and logoff activity
2 answers
We use a very stateless communication model with the server which means that although there is a login "action" in our clients, the client machine doesn't actually keep an active connection to the server. We use this to bootstrap some client side data, but that is it. This means that at the RTC application level the server doesn't know who is "logged-in". However, what we do track is who if perform which operation on the server at a current point in time.
Your options for tracking server load and connections are the following:
1. The RTC admin web page provides an "Active Services" page which shows the active open services being run.
2. Use the tooling in your application server (tomcat or WAS) that allows tracking session and connection activity.
Your options for tracking server load and connections are the following:
1. The RTC admin web page provides an "Active Services" page which shows the active open services being run.
2. Use the tooling in your application server (tomcat or WAS) that allows tracking session and connection activity.