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CQConnector setup and usage

Ian Cusden (2181) | asked Feb 27 '08, 7:40 p.m.
If I just want to use the CQConnector to import records from ClearQuest to Jazz do I need to install the jazz packages into the ClearQuest schema?

5 answers

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Feb 27 '08, 8:20 p.m.
If it's a pure import and not a bidirectional synchronization between the Jazz repository and CQ database, then yes you can import CQ records into Jazz without modifying the CQ schema. You will still need to create sync rules and an external repository connection. Please refer to the Importing but not synchronizing records section in the Rational Team Concert Information Center.

Jazz CQ Connector Team

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Feb 27 '08, 8:23 p.m.
This feature is available in the 0.6M5 build,


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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Feb 27 '08, 8:25 p.m.
This feature is available in the 0.6M5 build,


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Ian Cusden (2181) | answered Feb 29 '08, 9:00 a.m.
I have installed Team Concert 1.0 Beta 2a, but I cannot find anyting in the Import section about setting up the external repository connection.

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Aaron Cohen (8207851) | answered Feb 29 '08, 9:06 a.m.
M5 was released last week. You may want to consider upgrading from Beta 2a to M5.

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