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M5 does not resolve plugin com.ibm.team.repository.service

I've installed the current M5 version of TeamConcert as described in the
When I want to add the plugin com.ibm.team.repository.service to the
dependencies of a project it doesnt show up or can not be resolved,
Has anything changed regarding the installation in M5?
Thanks for your help!
I've installed the current M5 version of TeamConcert as described in the
When I want to add the plugin com.ibm.team.repository.service to the
dependencies of a project it doesnt show up or can not be resolved,
Has anything changed regarding the installation in M5?
Thanks for your help!
3 answers

Andreas Meissner wrote:
Hi Andreas,
I have been trying to track this problem down today also. Here is what
I know right now: I think the change is due to the fix for bug 40527.
This had the effect of changing the contents of file
/jazz/client/eclipse/links/serversource.link from:
So one way of "fixing" this is to change the link file content back to
its old value (and then restart TeamConcert with -clean because the link
file info may be cached in the configuration). But this hack subverts
the intention of bug 40527.
The change for 40527 removed the server source from the default target
platform. Another way of getting it back (that is less of a hack) is to
open up Window > Preferences... > Plug-in Development > Target Platform,
and select Add... and then in the popup dialog select "File System" from
the Available Provisioners list, click Next, select Add... and use the
file browser to navigate to: /jazz/source/server/eclipse
and click OK on the browser and Finish on the provisioner dialog.
At this point you can click OK in the Preferences to save the change.
It helps to check the box at the bottom, "Group plug-ins by location".
Before this change you would have 15 groups and after you will have 16.
When I did this the top-level group boxes don't appear to be checked
(but every plugin inside them is). If you simply close and re-open the
preferences, everything should be checked.
Also after doing this, the plugins I was testing (HelloJazz) did not
build - even after cleaning all projects in the workspace. But after
shutting down and restarting TeamConcert and cleaning again, everything
builds ok.
I am going to add these notes to the setup wiki
(https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ComponentDevelopmentSetup) because
it's the best way I can see right now, but there may be a simpler setup
method that I'm not thinking of. If anyone reading has had success with
simpler alternatives, please comment...
Chris Daly
Jazz Component Development Team
I've installed the current M5 version of TeamConcert as described in the
When I want to add the plugin com.ibm.team.repository.service to the
dependencies of a project it doesnt show up or can not be resolved,
Has anything changed regarding the installation in M5?
Thanks for your help!
Hi Andreas,
I have been trying to track this problem down today also. Here is what
I know right now: I think the change is due to the fix for bug 40527.
This had the effect of changing the contents of file
/jazz/client/eclipse/links/serversource.link from:
So one way of "fixing" this is to change the link file content back to
its old value (and then restart TeamConcert with -clean because the link
file info may be cached in the configuration). But this hack subverts
the intention of bug 40527.
The change for 40527 removed the server source from the default target
platform. Another way of getting it back (that is less of a hack) is to
open up Window > Preferences... > Plug-in Development > Target Platform,
and select Add... and then in the popup dialog select "File System" from
the Available Provisioners list, click Next, select Add... and use the
file browser to navigate to: /jazz/source/server/eclipse
and click OK on the browser and Finish on the provisioner dialog.
At this point you can click OK in the Preferences to save the change.
It helps to check the box at the bottom, "Group plug-ins by location".
Before this change you would have 15 groups and after you will have 16.
When I did this the top-level group boxes don't appear to be checked
(but every plugin inside them is). If you simply close and re-open the
preferences, everything should be checked.
Also after doing this, the plugins I was testing (HelloJazz) did not
build - even after cleaning all projects in the workspace. But after
shutting down and restarting TeamConcert and cleaning again, everything
builds ok.
I am going to add these notes to the setup wiki
(https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ComponentDevelopmentSetup) because
it's the best way I can see right now, but there may be a simpler setup
method that I'm not thinking of. If anyone reading has had success with
simpler alternatives, please comment...
Chris Daly
Jazz Component Development Team

One quick addendum to my last note. I said to add this location to the
target platform:
and then mentioned that I had to shutdown/restart to really clean things
up. I found instead that if I actually use this path:
then the shutdown/restart is not necessary. It looks like something in
the Eclipse code is trying to morph the path you give into the path it
wants to see, but not completely getting it right.
I have added this info to the wiki:
Chris Daly
Jazz Component Development Team
target platform:
and then mentioned that I had to shutdown/restart to really clean things
up. I found instead that if I actually use this path:
then the shutdown/restart is not necessary. It looks like something in
the Eclipse code is trying to morph the path you give into the path it
wants to see, but not completely getting it right.
I have added this info to the wiki:
Chris Daly
Jazz Component Development Team