RTC Build dependency
Does RTC have some sort of dependency funtionality on builds? For instance my organization has multiple java projects using maven to build. We first build "common" project then build project1, then project2.
So currently right now, I have created a build definition of "common" project and another build definition for "project1" and so forth. Is there a way to have RTC, build the definition in a particular order and if any of them fail, stop?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Does RTC have some sort of dependency funtionality on builds? For instance my organization has multiple java projects using maven to build. We first build "common" project then build project1, then project2.
So currently right now, I have created a build definition of "common" project and another build definition for "project1" and so forth. Is there a way to have RTC, build the definition in a particular order and if any of them fail, stop?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
2 answers
RTC Build is best thought of a "build tool wrapper". It comes with a
built-in wrapper for common tools like "Ant" or plain command line build
scripts, as well as commercial ones like Build Forge, but it is designed
for you to easily wrap whatever build tools you are currently using.
So that kind of dependency management would be performed by the
underlying build tool that you are wrapping. Make does a really good
job at this ... the other build tools, usually only so-so (:-).
On 5/12/2010 3:37 PM, acruz wrote:
built-in wrapper for common tools like "Ant" or plain command line build
scripts, as well as commercial ones like Build Forge, but it is designed
for you to easily wrap whatever build tools you are currently using.
So that kind of dependency management would be performed by the
underlying build tool that you are wrapping. Make does a really good
job at this ... the other build tools, usually only so-so (:-).
On 5/12/2010 3:37 PM, acruz wrote:
Does RTC have some sort of dependency funtionality on builds? For
instance my organization has multiple java projects using maven to
build. We first build "common" project then build project1,
then project2.
So currently right now, I have created a build definition of
"common" project and another build definition for
"project1" and so forth. Is there a way to have RTC, build
the definition in a particular order and if any of them fail, stop?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I suggest one of two approaches:
1. combine the build for all 3 projects into one build definition (presumably a Maven one)
2. use the requestTeamBuild Ant task to kick off the other builds from the first one. Please see the Ant task reference topic in the client Help. To use this from Maven, you'd need to use the Maven AntRun plug-in
Note that if the builds run on separate machines (i.e. if you have multiple build engines), then the artifacts produced by the first build would need to be made available somehow to the downstream builds, e.g. by putting them in a Maven repository like Nexus.
1. combine the build for all 3 projects into one build definition (presumably a Maven one)
2. use the requestTeamBuild Ant task to kick off the other builds from the first one. Please see the Ant task reference topic in the client Help. To use this from Maven, you'd need to use the Maven AntRun plug-in
Note that if the builds run on separate machines (i.e. if you have multiple build engines), then the artifacts produced by the first build would need to be made available somehow to the downstream builds, e.g. by putting them in a Maven repository like Nexus.