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Error during Build on system-i

Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | asked May 10 '10, 4:50 a.m.
retagged Jun 24 '12, 4:30 a.m. by Arne Bister (2.6k12832)
I have following question:
I have 3 i-projects in RDp and would like to use the BuildSpecifications from i-project for everybody 3. Is this generally possible or must I lay out the BuildSpecification in all 3 projekten?

If I a Build about the team Artifacte request following error message appears:
2010-05-10 10:40:32 Invoking build participant ""

Buildfile: /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/master.xml


/tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/master.xml:15: Basedir /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/InitialDemo/.ibmi does not exist

Total time: 0 seconds
Build failed. Exit value was 1.

What do I make wrong? Please, around urgent assistance.

I would prefer to post my problems into German, until I have refreshed my knowledge of English again enough to find the right formulations also into English.

Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 10 '10, 4:37 p.m.
Hi Andreas,

The error message seems to indicate that /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/master.xml:15: Basedir /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/InitialDemo/.ibmi does not exist

What you could do to debug is: on the build server run just one build. have a look at the servers file system for what is loaded into "Basedir /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build".
If the .ibmi file is missing: is it on the ignore list and not versioned?
What also concerns me is the space behind "Basedir in " "Basedir /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build". Is there an issue with some property?

Feel free to contact me directly in German. I have no clue about specifics of built in I but maybe we can figure it out.


I have following question:
I have 3 i-projects in RDp and would like to use the BuildSpecifications from i-project for everybody 3. Is this generally possible or must I lay out the BuildSpecification in all 3 projekten?

If I a Build about the team Artifacte request following error message appears:
2010-05-10 10:40:32 Invoking build participant ""

Buildfile: /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/master.xml


/tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/master.xml:15: Basedir /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/InitialDemo/.ibmi does not exist

Total time: 0 seconds
Build failed. Exit value was 1.

What do I make wrong? Please, around urgent assistance.

I would prefer to post my problems into German, until I have refreshed my knowledge of English again enough to find the right formulations also into English.

Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely

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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered May 11 '10, 3:08 a.m.
Hi Andreas,

The error message seems to indicate that /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/master.xml:15: Basedir /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build/InitialDemo/.ibmi does not exist

What you could do to debug is: on the build server run just one build. have a look at the servers file system for what is loaded into "Basedir /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build".
If the .ibmi file is missing: is it on the ignore list and not versioned?
What also concerns me is the space behind "Basedir in " "Basedir /tmp/rtcp/load/Demo UCLA Team build 3/RTC Build". Is there an issue with some property?

Feel free to contact me directly in German. I have no clue about specifics of built in I but maybe we can figure it out.


Hi Raplh,

thanks for your offer to get in contact in german. Whats qour prefered way via private message or e-mail.

Thanks a lot

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Andreas Nicoladoni (19612523) | answered May 12 '10, 4:00 a.m.
The error occurs because you have to create the BuildSpecification for each i-project and to deliver them to the TeamBuild Stream.

I'm missing documention for this feature and I hope in the future it will be possible to use one BuildSpecification for all i-projects in the RTCp Project Area

Kind Regards

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