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Integration with googletalk

Manoj Panda (39346762) | asked May 05 '10, 9:01 a.m.
I would like to know whether i can integrate with google talk or not like how RTC do for sametime and jabber. If RTC does not support with google talk then why there is option provided in service provider.

if integrates, then please let me know how?

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered May 05 '10, 2:41 p.m.
I would like to know whether i can integrate with google talk or not like how RTC do for sametime and jabber. If RTC does not support with google talk then why there is option provided in service provider.

if integrates, then please let me know how?


RTC does integrate with Googletalk - open your Eclipse client and then go to Windows->Preferences->Instant Messaging. Select Googletalk from the pulldown list of IM choices, and fill in the other details.



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