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Accessing Dashboard from Outside RTC

Chris Abbott (7611412) | asked May 04 '10, 3:01 p.m.
We have an information system in the office which shows various project data, we would like to get items like the burndown graph on these screens.

How can I access this graph as a fixed address (either as HTML or JPG) from the server so the system can display this image.

We can use wget to make a local copy and handle any log in if needed, although all attempts have failed up to now.

Any thoughts?

12 answers

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Chris Abbott (7611412) | answered Feb 25 '11, 9:34 a.m.
Someone posted this which is great, but how do I get the POST Parameters into the service call, can anyone post an example of doing this please?

REST Service Call

POST Parameters

parameterName Zoom
parameterValue false
projectAreaUUID _1w8aQEmJEduIY7C8B09Hyw
queryUUID _KwcboJgIEd66x5TRRlopIA
showArchived false
urlPrefix /jazz/

Here is what I have tried so far:

To Login I use:
curl -v -k -x <proxy>:80 -L -b ./cookies.txt -c ./cookies.txt -d j_username=cabbott -d j_password=cabbott "https://<server>:9443/jazz/authenticated/j_security_check"
When I am local and have no proxy it works every time, with the proxy I get some timeout 408 errors, no idea why yet.

These all work if I have logged in ok:
curl -v -k -x <proxy>:80 -o x_rootservices.xml -b ./cookies.txt "https://<server>:9443/jazz/rootservices"

curl -v -k -x <proxy>:80 -o x_catalog.xml -b ./cookies.txt "https://<server>:9443/jazz/oslc/workitems/catalog"

curl -v -k -x <proxy>:80 -o x_tgproject.xml -b ./cookies.txt "https://<server>:9443/jazz/oslc/contexts/_3AWpQDNrEd-VerUNJ23vow/workitems/services.xml"

So how do I get the image, I tried this without any success:
curl -v -k -x <proxy>:80 -o x_burndown.jpg -b ./cookies.txt -d parameterName=Zoom -d parameterValue=false -d projectAreaUUID=_3AWpQDNrEd-VerUNJ23vow -d queryUUID=_KwcboJgIEd66x5TRRlopIA -d serverURL="https://<server>:9443" -d showArchived=false -d urlPrefix="/jazz/" "https://<server>:9443/jazz/service/"

My issues (apart from not fully understanding the REST/Reporting systems):
What is the queryUUID value, how do I control this, I need to get various graphs from the system, Burndown for certain teams and current plans, Burnup, + many of the other reports type.
When I look at the dashboard on the website, the "renderQuery" does not seem to be there just loading images from the server, and I can not find anywhere the documentation for these services, and the reporting services.

Please, please HELP!

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Michael A. (15813) | answered Mar 08 '13, 5:40 a.m.

Hi Chris,

could you solve your problem in the meantime? I'm currently facing a similar issue and I'm stuck with it.

I need to get the burndown charts for teach team area and sprint and store it in the form of a JPG image.

I have written a Java tool that does the authentification part and I can access all of the OSLC services of RTC without any problems. But somehow I couldn't find a way to receive the XML result from the REST call. I always receive the error message "400", no matter which request I post or which parameters I add to the URL.

I tried several ways but somehow none of them works.

Does anyone have a working code snippet you could provide?

That would be great.


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