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Still Trouble Print PDF Test Plan/Test Case RQM 2.0.1 iFix1

Leafar Maina (5654) | asked Apr 29 '10, 1:32 a.m.

I just downloaded and update my RQM to 2.0.1 iFix1 and...

When I want to print a pdf from a Test Plan with two or more custom section, RQM only prints the content of one of them (the content of a custom section). But the others section, custom or not, appears without content.

It's mean that RQM 2.0.1 iFix1 is only printing a pdf from a test plan/case with ONE custom section, no more.



2 answers

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Michael Triantafelow (4513) | answered Apr 29 '10, 10:56 a.m.

I just downloaded and update my RQM to 2.0.1 iFix1 and...

When I want to print a pdf from a Test Plan with two or more custom section, RQM only prints the content of one of them (the content of a custom section). But the others section, custom or not, appears without content.

It's mean that RQM 2.0.1 iFix1 is only printing a pdf from a test plan/case with ONE custom section, no more.



Thanks for pointing this out. I believe this is the same issue that was reported here: We are investigating.

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Leafar Maina (5654) | answered Apr 29 '10, 11:45 a.m.

Thanks for pointing this out. I believe this is the same issue that was reported here: We are investigating.


Ok, thanks.

This error may also be related to this issue that was reported here:



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