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Some questions regarding RAM 7.1.x licensing

Todd Dunnavant (571019) | asked Apr 20 '10, 9:35 p.m.
RAM 7.1.x uses the Rational License Server for licensing. All RAM 7.1 licenses are "authorized user" licenses. How do you constrain the licenses to serve only a specified set of users? Or, is the using organization "on their honor" to limit the user community to a number of staff that equals their license entitlement?

2 answers

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Todd Dunnavant (571019) | answered Apr 20 '10, 9:37 p.m.
The spec sheets for RAM 7.1.x and RAM 7.2.x list support for CC/CQ 7.1, but not for the later ifixes, such as To what degree can we be assured that RAM 7.1.1.x will work with these CC/CQ ifixes?

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Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Apr 21 '10, 9:26 a.m.
In 7.1.x it is on your honor.

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