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Automation: how are the scripts sent to the adapter

Annika Kortell (31109) | asked Mar 26 '10, 3:37 a.m.
A customer has developed an adapter that puts the results from their automated testscripts in RQM. They create test suites with several test cases and start the exection from RQM. The adapter will send the scripts for execution in another application.
Their question is how the test scripts are sent to the adapter - is it one-by-one or all in a flash? There is a startup time for the adapter so if the scripts are sent to the adapter one-by-one the whole suite will take significantly longer to execute.

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Mar 30 '10, 8:17 a.m.
Have you developed adapter using Adapter library provided by Rational Quality Manager.
There are two ways to create automated scripts in RQM.
1. A script pointing to the local scripts path e.g. c:\MyProjects\Project1\
2. A script pointing to the shared script \\Server\shared\

In both the cases RQM script is a proxy script for the acutal shared/local script. Upoin execution of a Testcase, a request is created. Adapter polls for requests. Upon finding one request for itself, it find out the path of the script from the request and execute that script. So there us no actual copy of scripts from server to adapter. RQM Server does not have any real automated scripts, they are managed somewhere else.

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