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Work Item Templates

kiran pasham (4611610) | asked Mar 18 '10, 3:53 p.m.
RTC 2.0.x versions can use Work Item Templates to create a bunch of related work items together.

I know of a way to create Work Item Template itself in RTC ( by selecting some work items and right clicking them will give a option to create a work item template, which you can later use to create work items.)

I also know there is a way you can export iterations/phases/delivery process from RMC Rational Method Composer as a work item template and later use it in RTC to create work items. .. But I dont know how ?

There seems to be a incubator .. "Rational Method Composer Work Item Template Export" available for download on -> Downloads -> RTC

But I am not sure how to use this or install this ?

Any help you guys can offer ?

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